This is the page about Arlo
What is it like to be a bat?
The Bat
Arlo the pallid bat,
aka Batlam
Hallo! I'm Arlo, your friendly neighborhood pallid bat. I write stories, eat crickets, eat my boyfriend's chili, and sometimes have adventures with other beastfolk. I'm a certified BAT!
Most of my life is pretty chill. I spend my free days in coffee shops and at friends' houses playing video games. When we're feeling adventurous, a few of us will go explore old buildings and stuff—but always, always bring a friend if and when you do. There's spooky and dangerous things to be found.
Name: Arlo
Age: early 30s
Species: Pallid bat (antrozous pallidus)
Hometown: Quarry, OH
Favorite food: chocolate-covered crickets, best paired with hazelnut coffee
Enjoys: video games, reading, being a bat
Dislikes: large crowds, harmful and untrue bat myths
The Furry
Hi! One of the first pages I read when visiting a personal site is the "About" page—a page of the webmaster on themself that serves as a primer to the rest of the site. It's the factual answer to "who are you?" It's often short.
The site as a whole is what they're really "About," or at least what they want to share with the world. You get a sense of what they like to work on and what they find important expression-wise from how they develop their site. Details come in the form of blog posts, update notes, and color commentary on their passions.
Furry Code: FCh[pallid bat]3ad A- C- H P T++++ W>+++ Z>+++ RLE a cl++ d f->+ h+++ iwf+ j p- sm#
Where you'll find me:
- Email: "batlambat" with a protonmail dot com domain—This is my preferred way to get in touch.
- Telegram: @batsaregreat—I make an effort to check every day or two.
- Mail: I have a P.O. box specifically for sending and receiving letters! Feel free to ask about it.
- Neocities (profile): batsaregreat—It's the profile page for this very site, which I guess is only relevant if you have a Neocities account.
- Dreamwidth: batlamblogs—The source of my blog feed. Not my first place to check for communiqués, but you can comment on posts and subscribe to it via RSS.
- FurAffinity: ~Batlam—NSFW—18+ only. I post stuff and watch artists from here.
- SoFurry: Batlam—NSFW—18+ only. I also post stuff and watch artists from here. I like it better than FA as a writer because it focuses on written works and has features to accomodate them.
Do you have [service]?
I might. There are some that I use but don't give out (e.g., Steam), and others that I don't or won't use for some reason.